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IEBC Launches Voter Registration Drive, Targets Six Million New Voters

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) on Monday launched the Enhanced Continuous Voter Registration (ECVR) drive at the Nakuru Athletic Club in Nakuru County.

The exercise, which kicked off today, will run for a period of 30 days until November 2, 2021, in all the 1,450 County Assembly Wards (CAW).

Wafula Chebukati, the Commission Chairman, said IEBC targets to enroll six million new voters in the exercise.

To be eligible for registration one must have attained the age of 18 years and acquired a national identification card or have valid a passport.

Meanwhile, politicians across the country continue to encourage their supporters to turn up for registration in readiness for the General Election slated for August 9, 2022.

Read: IEBC Commissioners Unanimously Elect Juliana Cherera as Vice Chairperson

“You want change? Then get out and register as a Voter. Your Vote is your weapon,” Raila Odinga’s ODM party wrote on Twitter.

Businessman Jimmy Wanjigi, who is eyeing the ODM presidential ticket, also urged the youth to take advantage of the exercise to enlist themselves as voters.

Also Read: Catholic Bishops Urge IEBC To Expedite Recruitment of Substantive CEO

Wanjigi observed that youth comprise 70 percent of the country’s population and they should not allow others to determine their fate and that of the country.

“The youth should not allow anybody to determine their future. Get out and register in en mass ready for voting in 2022 elections,” Wanjigi said after a Sunday service at PCEA Makupa Parish, Mombasa.

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