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IEBC Looking To Relocate Its HQs From Nairobi CBD

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is looking to relocate its headquarters from Nairobi Central Business District (CBD).

Currently, the agency is located at the Anniversary Towers with the commission stating that there is a lack of enough space.

Through a tender notice on Wednesday, the agency revealed that it is looking for a parcel of land that is on stable land, located at least 20 kilometers away from CBD.

It also wants a parcel of land that is easily accessible by road networks with a title deed without any obstructions.

“The size of the land should be approximately five acres and should be on stable ground. The gradient of the land should not be steep,” the commission said.

Read: No Acts Of Violence Will Be Tolerated – IEBC Sounds Warning Ahead Of Machakos By-election

The commission invited bidders interested in supplying the parcel of land to present information indicating the price inclusive of taxes, lease period and other expected charges.

“The property shall be serviced by the normal utility infrastructure such as electricity, water and sewer,” the commission added.

Also needed from the bidders are a certified copy of the latest search – done a month from March 30, being the deadline for the tender, a certified copy of land rates clearance certificate and evidence that the land is serviced by water, electricity, and a sewer line are required.

“Among the submitted applications, the commission will shortlist the substantively responsive applicants, to whom the Request for Proposals for the Purchase of Land shall be sent,” the tender notice signed by CEO Marjan Marjan reads.

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