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IG Mutyambai Recuperating in Hospital as Nature of Illness Kept Under Wraps

Inspector General of Police Hilary Mutyambai has been ailing for the past six days but his illness has been kept under wraps.

According to People Daily, the IG was rushed to Aga Khan Hospital on Thursday night when he fell ill. He was immediately admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Two days later he was transferred to the High dependency Unit (HDU). On Monday he was taken to the general ward at the same facility.

Senior ranking officers, the daily reported, declined to comment on the matter. Some claimed they were unaware of Mutyambai’s hospitalization.

Others said the IG had been away from the office for a couple of days before he was taken ill. He had been seeking medical attention.

It is alleged that the senior officer was by last evening doing fine but remained at the health facility for observation.

He did not conduct his weekly engagement with members of the public on #EngageTheIG. It takes place every Monday.

Read: IG Mutyambai Orders Arrest of Hotel Workers Captured on Camera Dragging Manager on Tarmac 

The IG is appointed by the President with Parliament’s approval.

He/she may be removed from office on the grounds of: serious violation of the Constitution or any other law, including a contravention of Chapter Six, gross misconduct whether in the performance of the office holder’s functions or otherwise, physical or mental incapacity to perform the functions of office, incompetence, bankruptcy; or any other just cause.

Last week, former GSU deputy commandant William Singoei was found dead in his room in the Embakasi Garrison, Nairobi.

Singoei – assistant inspector general of police – was last year seconded to the National Command Centre for Covid-19 based within the military facility. It is a multi-agency command centre under the Health ministry. It’s commanded by Major General Ayub Matiri.

The deceased also served as a commanding officer of the elite Recce company that, among other missions,  protects the President.

The cause of death is yet to be confirmed but as precaution, everyone who came into contact with him was tested for Covid-19.

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