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I’ll Never Post My Man – Lilian Muli Says After Being Linked to Tycoon

Citizen TV’s Lilian Muli has denied dating a man seen in one of her social media posts.

The man has since been identified as Jimmy Ngechu who last year gifted Diana Marua a brand new iPhone.

Speaking to Mpasho, the mother of two boys said the video was taken during a party attended by a lot of celebrities.

“Those are rumors and he is a friend and there is no relationship. Kina Bahati’s, Gabu and other celebrities plus all those people am linked to we were all at the same party. That a respectable man who has his family,” said Lilian.

Read: Lilian Muli’s Online Boyfriend Revealed, Mark David Muraya Living In Perth Australia (Photos)

The news anchor also vowed not to share with the public pictures of the man in her life. Lilian who divorced her husband and father of her first-born son, Moses Kanene, said the internet is not a safe space.

“We are not in a relationship with everyone we take pictures with. I’m a social person and I like making new friends everywhere I go.

“Please don’t speculate about who is my boyfriend and who is not it hurts innocent people especially those who Love the people you claim are in relationships that don’t exist,” she said.

Asked about her love life, the TV girl said she is in a good space.

Read Also: Lilian Muli Presses Pause On Social Media Life, Fans Believe She Is Expectant

“I am happier than I have ever been. I am in a good place and trust me I would never post a picture of my man,” she added.

Lilian was seeing Shabana FC chairman Jared Nevaton with whom she shares a son.

Since their public break up, the tv siren said she would never settle for an ordinary lover.

“Never settle for an ordinary lover, never settle for less than you deserve, you are so worthy of being loved so passionately and madly,” she wrote.

“You deserve to be loved as a whole with all your imperfections and flaws. You deserve someone who puts you first as if you were the only thing that matters.”

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