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Instagram testing Immersive Video Display

Instagram is reportedly experimenting with a new video display. Upon launching the app, users will see the videos on a full-screen vertical home feed.

According to TechCrunch, the new style is meant to bring the videos more front and centre. Instagram CEO confirmed the test in a video, saying some users will soon start seeing taller videos and photos on the timeline. 

An Instagram spokesperson shared an example of the feature, with a post taking up the full-screen and the comments, captions, likes and other features placed on top of the post.

Read: Instagram Rolls out New Messaging Features Including Ability to Share Music

Stories, Search, Reels, shopping and profile buttons remain in their normal position while the notifications, messages and new post tabs remain at the top.

Instagram has been doing quite a lot to improve video content on the platform. Last year, the company announced a creator fund to encourage more users to post more on Reels. More recently, the company said it would change its algorithm to rank original content posted on the platform higher than reposted content.

The new immersive look is probably borrowed from TikTok.

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