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Itumbi Offers to Foot Legal Fees for ODM Supporter Nuru Okanga

itumbi, nuru okanga

Digital Strategist Dennis Itumbi. [COURTESY]

Digital strategist Dennis Itumbi says he will foot legal fees for ODM supporter Nuru Okanga.

Okanga was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly insulting President William Ruto on YouTube. He is said to have referred to the head of state as a stupid man.

He was accused that on November 20, 2023 at an unknown place within the country, jointly with others not before court, used YouTube Account/Channel RIBA NEWS @ribanews to publish the alleged information.

The charge sheet read that he published online a video captioned,  “NURU OKANGA ON FIRE! Ruto you are very stupid, an idiot! Umetoboka akili wewe!”… with intimidating and abusive words to which Ruto you’re very stupid! You’re very stupid! Yaani Unakuja kudanganya Wakenya mchana kuwa mafuta haikuwa. You’re Idiot …”

Read: Nuru Okanga Charged with Insulting President Ruto on Social Media, Released on Sh10,000 Cash Bail

Okanga has since been released on Sh10,000 cash bail.

Itumbi on his part disagreed with the persecution of Okanga and other bloggers.

The State House operative said bloggers should be allowed to express themselves, noting that President Ruto was too busy to attend to such matters.

“I completely DISAGREE with the idea of arresting bloggers for insulting the president. Whoever is doing it wacheni kabisa. Please wakili @W_Kinuthiah, if Nuru Okanga agrees represent him in court at my cost. There actually exists a right to offend, shock, or disturb. I know for a fact that President @WilliamsRuto
has serious stuff to do and is NOT interested in such drama and arrests, he does not even know about it. So who exactly is the complainant? Wachaneni na bloggers, wajiexpress! Tafuteni kazi ingine…” Itumbi posted on X.

The case will be mentioned on December 13 for pretrial.

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