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Jalang’o Says Fate of Fugitive Ex-workers in the Hands of Police as They are Spotted in Bungoma

ODM Lang’ata MP candidate Felix Odiwuor’s (Jalang’o) former employees who made away with his money have been spotted in Bungoma.

Speaking to YouTuber Eve Mungai, the funnyman confirmed that Eli Omundu and Morrison Litiema had indeed reached out to him.

Jalang’o, however, stated that the matter was no longer in his hands as police were actively investigating the matter.

“DCI have their ways of tracking them, we are told they are on their way to Bungoma. They have actually reached out, the case is with the police now, that’s why I don’t want to talk about it too much. It’s the biggest betrayal I’ve ever had in my life. I hope it doesn’t change how I see people. I don’t know what happened to them,” Jalang’o said.

Read: Come Forward, Jalang’o Pleads With Employees On The Run After Stealing Money

Last week, the former Kiss FM host pleaded with the duo to come forward. He told Milele FM that he was ready to forgive them.

This was after they allegedly took off with more than Sh1 million that was in his vehicle.

“I am ready to forgive them and even have them back as my employees here at home. Litiema just got a kid the other day so it is really unfortunate what they are getting their families into,” he said.

“I was back very late in the night from some campaign meetings. I had gone out that previous evening with my small car because I did not want the attention as you know with my candidacy and all that. Coming home I went straight to bed.

Read Also: Jalang’o Offers Sh100,000 Reward After Employees Run Off With Money

“In the morning my kid needed to take something from the boot of that car so I gave her the keys, at this time Litiema and Eli had already arrived in the compound ready to start work as usual. They wanted to wash that car so they did but on seeing the money in there, I think they got the evil idea to run away with it.

“Just a little over Ksh1 million. This is not much compared to what they were about to start getting from the deals we were working on for them. Right now they have spoiled that chance and will always be on the lookout while on the run. That is not a life worth living so they should come back already.”

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