Kirinyaga Governor, Anne Waiguru on Wednesday ordered for a special audit into the county’s financial status. In her letter to the Auditor General, the governor asked that he specially focuses on the financial and human resource commitments entered into as from January, 2017.
The letter has been doing rounds online and has been heavily criticized by Netizens.
CCTV’s Saddique Shaban said that it was ironical that Ms Waiguru was asking for an audit of the county while she had been accused of theft.
”The irony of Ann Waiguru asking Auditor General to audit Kirinyaga County finances while parliament accused her of Grand Theft at NYS,” he said on Twitter.
Other critics said:
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"Request For An Urgent Special Audit To Help Me Identify Opportunities For Stealing." She Said.
— SABATO FAUSTINUS (@Sabato_Oukoo) August 30, 2017
these KIRINYAGANS celebrate corruption by electing a corrupt regime to preside over their county.
— achola onyango (@acholaonyango) August 30, 2017
State House Communications Director, Dennis Itumbi saw Waiguru’s move as a step towards the right direction saying, ”My home governor at work.”
Ann Mumbi Waiguru,my lady anytime,fanya kazi iwaume tena
— masaimwitu (@Francoise797) August 30, 2017
i cant wait for my county to prosper under @AnneWaiguru Naysayers and busy bodies will be embarrassed 5 years from now. INSHALLAH
— Robert Mbogo (@MambogoJr) August 30, 2017
The county boss was accused of the 1.67 billion theft that happened under her watch as CS Devolution.
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