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Jowie Claimed to Have Been Shot by Thugs – Witness Testifies

Murder suspect Jowie Irungu sustained a gunshot wound to his left shoulder after being attacked by thugs, a witness has testified.

Dr Lawrence Ochieng on Monday told trial judge Grace Nzioka that the accused person sought medical attention at Nairobi West Hospital on September 21, 2018, at 1.35am.

“He came in with a gunshot wound on the left shoulder and reported he sustained those injuries after being assaulted by thugs. The wounds were dressed. He was also given injections for tetanus and painkillers,” Dr Ochieng told the court.

Read: Jowie Irungu Ordered Out of Nairobi for Violating Bail Conditions

A chest CT scan showed Jowie suffered internal injuries to the lungs and muscles as well as a fracture on one of the bones of the shoulder.

His wound was dressed but he could not be admitted as he could not raise the money.

Dr Ochieng also said that he received a communiqué from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) on September 25 about the shooting incident.

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“In the interest of conducting further investigations, they requested to be provided with treatment notes in regards to Irungu Kuria, any clothing that could be left within the premises, and any other information that would assist in investigations,” he said.

The hospital, he said, responded on the same day informing the DCI of Jowie’s visit and treatment.

During cross-examination, Dr Ochieng said he did not personally attend to Jowie. He was treated by a Dr Kariuki who left the facility a year after the incident in pursuit of further education.

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Earlier witness accounts indicated that the suspect shot himself following an altercation with then fiancee Jacque Maribe.

Jowie and Maribe are facing charges for the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani at her Lamuria Gardens apartment.

The accused persons are out on bail.

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