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JSC Recommends Tribunal For 3 Judges As Case Against Justice Njoki Ndung’u Is Withdrawn

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Chief Justice David Maraga. [Courtesy}

The Chief Justice Maraga has made a public pronouncement from the the Judicial service commission (JSC) regarding cases against judges.

The CJ stated that the petition filed against judges of the Supreme court Justice Njoki Ndung’u and the Justice Ojwang by lawyer Apollo Mboya in the ruling of the case of Nick Salat had been withdrawn.

He dispelled media reports that  JSC had stalled in making the decision against Justice Njoki Ndung’u.

He also said that he had already responded to the petitioners who filed a case against him as the chief Justice. The case against Justice Majanja was also withdrawn.

The CJ said that the the Judges from the the Supreme court had also sent out their responses in petitions against them in the Wajir Gubernatorial case.

Read: ‘Choose Where To Litigate Your Cases, In Court Or Social Media,’ CJ Maraga Tells Ahmednassir

He revealed that the the JSC had recommended that the president sets up a tribunal for Justice David Marete, Justice Martin Muya and Justice Lucy Waithaka.

Five Magistrates have also been served and asked to respond in 14 days after they were accused of disappearance of files,temperament ,signing of release orders without security among other.

Maraga said that other cases were dismissed by the JSC as they lacked merit.

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