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Jubilee MCAs Who Fail To Support BBI Risk Disciplinary Action- Tuju

The Jubilee Party has threatened to take disciplinary actions against Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) who fail to support the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), Constitutional Amendment Bill.

Through a letter by Jubilee Party Secretary-General Raphael Tuju directed to all majority leaders in the county assemblies, dire actions will be taken on MCAs who fail to heed the party decision.

For instance, according to Tuju, it will be unfathomable for an MCA elected on a Jubilee ticket to defy decisions made by the party leadership. Hence, they risk losing their seat.

“The party will invoke article 13.3 part (f) and (g) of the party constitution should MCAs fail to adhere to the requirement. It is inexplicable that any reasonable MCA would find fault with these new advantages that would result from the passage of BBI,” a letter dated February 8, 2021 reads.

Read: Baringo Becomes First County Assembly To Reject BBI Bill

Earlier in the week, Tuju held a heated meeting with Baringo County MCAs regarding the BBI and advised them to vote in favor of the bill or risk losing their slots.

However, yesterday, Baringo became the first County Assembly to shoot down the BBI Constitutional (Amendment) Bill, 2020, after a chaotic session.

It was revealed that the House voted overwhelmingly against the Bill with 30 MCAs voting no and only five voting yes. Five ward representatives did not participate in the Thursday exercise.

Chaos erupted immediately after the counting process was completed, forcing police officers to lob teargas canisters into the assembly.

Read Also: Drama At Baringo County Assembly As Jubilee, KANU MCAs Fight Over BBI Bill (Video)

MCAs and members of the press who were covering the proceedings had to scamper for safety.

Earlier, the session took a 30-minute break after Jubilee and KANU MCAs clashed.

KANU MCAs, who are the minority in the House, accused their Jubilee counterparts of a plot to reject the Bill before the requisite public participation.

BBI is a brainchild of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his handshake partner Raila Odinga. So far, three counties have passed the Bill. They are Kisumu, Siaya and Homa Bay.

The Bill must be passed by at least 24 assemblies before it can be tabled at the National Assembly.

In a new development, however, a letter seen by Kahawa Tungu signed by Jubilee Party Deputy SG Caleb Kositany urges members to ignore Tuju’s threats and exercise their constitutional rights.

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