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Jubilee Party Headquarters Move to Kileleshwa

Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta’s party, Jubilee, has moved its headquarters from Pangani.

In a statement issued by party secretary general Jeremiah Kioni on Wednesday, the party will now operate from Kileleshwa area, off Mandera Road.

The former Ndaragwa MP said the move was the first step toward revamping and strengthening the former ruling party in readiness for the 2027 elections.

“Our focus will remain on strengthening our county, constituency and ward offices and recruiting more members as we mold and nurture the next generation of Jubilee leaders,” said Kioni.

The building was in August 2022 put up for auction over Sh435 million in rent arrears.

“All that parcel of land known as LR no 209/1530 Emani Business Centre along Thika Road, Pangani area registered under Farmer Industry Limited, with a plinth area of 34, 000 square feet,” the newspaper advert read.

The auction notice was put up by Garam Investments Auctioneers.

The seven-storey building which sits on a 0.56 acres, is associated with a former top official in late President Daniel arap Moi’s regime and who served as MP in the Rift Valley.

Former party deputy secretary general Caleb Kositany claimed the party was paying Sh90 million in rent annually.

In 2021, Auditor General Nancy Gathungu called into question the use of Sh87.47 million by the party on rent.

She said in her 2019-2020 audit report that in order to support the payments, the party neglected to register the lease agreement for the land with the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning.

According to the Registered Land Act, leases that last longer than two years must be registered.

“In the circumstances, the regularity of the lease agreements and the resultant payment could not be confirmed,” Gathungu said.

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