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Jubilee Officially Seeking to Seal Pre-election Coalition Pact with ODM

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party is officially seeking to seal a pre-election coalition pact with Raila Odinga-led ODM Party.

The announcement was made by the ruling party’s secretary general Raphael Tuju following a meeting with the National Management Committee (NMC) at the Serena Hotel on Tuesday.

“Following various high level consultations within the Jubilee Party that culminated in a joint NMC and Parliamentary leadership meeting, the NMC granted permission to the party secretariat to formally engage with the ODM party in drawing a framework agreement on a pre-election coalition agreement,” Tuju said.

Read: Coalition Talks Ongoing – ODM Says In spite of Jubilee’s Poor Performance in Kiambaa

He added, “This development springs from an already existing good collaboration between the two parties in parliament on matters of National Interest. The two-party leaders, President Uhuru Kenyatta and Rt. Hon Raila Odinga have also cultivated a working relationship for a good of the country in an act of statesmanship that won praise internationally.”

Tuju also noted that the ODM party has been an ally in both Houses of Parliament in passing of crucial Bills.

“It is noteworthy that in the last four years, while ODM has carried its mandate as official party both in the senate and the National Assembly, the Party has remained a reliable ally of Jubilee Party in the passage of all critical bills that are important for the good governance of our country,” he stated.

Read Also: “Big Things are About to Happen” -Junet Says Amid ODM, Jubilee Pact Talks

This comes days after President Uhuru allegedly backed a Raila presidency during a meeting with One Kenya Alliance (OKA) members; Gideon Moi, Musalia Mudavadi, Moses Wetangula and Kalonzo Musyoka.

It is said that Uhuru pressured the others to drop their bids in favour of Raila. But Kalonzo and Musalia are said to have rejected the proposal.

A Jubilee-ODM coalition has been in the works for a few months now in what is seen as Uhuru’s way of cementing the “Handshake”.

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