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Judge In Wambora Case Recuses Himself Citing Interference

Embu Governor Martin Wambora. / COURTESY

Judge in Embu Governor Martin Wambora’s appeal case on Tuesday recused himself citing interference from unknown individuals.

“I am withdrawing from this case because one person approached my friends concerning this case. I am personally aware of the sensitivity of this matter,” Justice Sankale ole Kantai said.

He advised that all parties should steer clear of judges as he alongside Judges Patrick Kiage and Fatuma Sichale adjourned the case to July 3, 2018.

“Please tell your wives and daughters to keep off judges,” the judge added.

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The case was on May 21 adjourned after Lawyer Wairimu Rugaita representing Deputy Governor David Kariuki could not make it to court as she had broken her leg.

Former senator Lenny Kivuti on February 22 successfully petitioned Wambora’s win which was then nullified.

In the appeal, the governor wants the court of Appeal to set aside the High Court judgment and also dismiss the petition.

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