Gospel hip-hop sensation Juliani on Wednesday launched a new video for his track ‘Machozi ya Jana.’
The new hit aims at re-igniting and expanding public debate on the need to have a radically transformed police service in the country as well as inspire a powerful movement that generates police reform.
Marked as a tribute song to the late Willie Kimani,an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya who worked with International Justice Mission who was abducted as he left court with his client, Josephat Mwenda and their taxi driver, Joseph Muiruri. The bodies of the three were later recovered from the Ol Donyo Sabuk River on July 1, 2016.
The video was launched at Michael Joseph Centre, off Waiyaki Way with a panel session discussion how Kenya can forge forward from the dark colonial days of extra-judicial killings.
“This new video and song serves as a wake-up call to each and every one of us to speak up for the voiceless in the society. We need to call an end to extra judicial killings. We can only do this by creating a movement that forces the authorities to look more keenly into such critical matters and as such bolster structures that will ensure accountability within the police force. If we don’t, we increase the risks of our brothers and sisters falling prey to these predicaments,” said Juliani.
Here is the video to the new hit, Machozi ya Jana.