Julie Gichuru and her gang of “PEACE” hawks are back in business and these are their times for heightened activities. The electioneering period is their time for peak business and she never fails to seek attention with totally irrelevant calls.
RELATED: Robert Gichuru was the Driver of Fidel Odinga’s Ill-Fated Range Rover
The TV host, gambling company owner (M-Cheza), wife of an opportunistic fraud (husband is known corruption baron while father in law is wanted in a foreign country for the same) and known victim of spousal abuse (she is a victim) got the guts to come out again and preach peace to Kenyans when many have already realised that the only foundation for peace is justice.
The tweeps called on her to take her peace calls elsewhere and first demand for justice if she would want to see peace in Kenya. But Julie was not letting that go and stuck to her messaging saying that she would rather see peace but not justice through violence. What Julie has not learnt is that Peace is not the absence of war.
Erisa Yoga Odoi writes;
“The ‘popular’ thought that absence of war is peace is myopic and defective. …. peace is a positive state where there exists social justice and brotherhood in an enabling environment and not merely absence of war.”
Where we have tension and anxiety, that’s negative peace. Positive peace is where we have social justice and brotherhood. Without addressing the root causes of tension, anxiety, hatred, mistrust and other negative feelings, we are deluding ourselves to think that we are peaceful.
As long as BAD leaders & self-serving opinion leaders try to normalise conflict and violence, I will speak to the importance of peace.
— Julie Gichuru (@JulieGichuru) July 6, 2017
We are seeing some people threatening all manner of things over a total fabrication.
Lord help us!@citizentvkenya shld share that footage. https://t.co/Bcakfzget5— Julie Gichuru (@JulieGichuru) July 6, 2017
Please explain to me how you serve justice by shedding blood?
I am waiting patiently. https://t.co/rbIInBIG4J— Julie Gichuru (@JulieGichuru) July 6, 2017
BIG lie that 2013 was stolen.
24hr coverage at @citizentvkenya features our tally direct from polling centres. Confirmed IEBC result. https://t.co/Bcakfzget5— Julie Gichuru (@JulieGichuru) July 6, 2017
Calling for credible election is NOT a call for violence. I don’t know why this is so hard to grasp.
— Ciru Muriuki ツ (@CiruMuriuki) July 6, 2017
Julie Gichuru is being a pessimistic alarmist with her peace tweets. First off, for the sake of our kids & hers we need credible elections.
— Ramapithecus (@RamzZy_) July 6, 2017
Well Julie Gichuru should read this. Credibility and fairness is Peace. Unfairness is chaos. Thank you @jamessmat #IEBCPresser pic.twitter.com/Aso5EAFFx0
— Kinyua Abala (@AbalaKinyua) July 6, 2017
Erisa Yoga Odoi continues;
“Leadership in Africa has been undergoing conspicuous metamorphosis from outright despotic dictatorship to the camouflaged constitutional dictatorship prevalent today. The constitution and the law, made to suit the subjective interests of powers that be are changed at whim to oppress and suppress dissent, and have become the tools of dictatorship.”
So let’s agree to disagree but one thing should be clear, it is only social justice and fairness which is going to deliver peace to us. Other calls like from Julie can’t be listened to when the same Julie Gichuru is preying on the moral fabric of this country when she milk it dry with her gambling company which is being operated from the Kilimani area office.
The same Julie Gichuru is married to a man who not only beats her regularly but also dips his hand into almost every one of those public assets where he steals with wanton abandon.
The same Julie Gichuru can’t tell us what she has done to ensure that her father-in-law clears his name in the Jersey corruption scandal. Remember that Jersey repatriated Ksh 380million to Kenya recently after getting the money in foreign accounts. The mastermind of all that was Samuel Gichuru who is Julie Gichuru’s father-in-law. Let’s be honest.
RELATED: Julie Gichuru’s Husband Listed Among the “Owners” of Langata Rd. Primary Playground
I would urge Julie Gichuru to call on the IEBC to be a fair referee and not a biased entity as it is being viewed in the handling of the voters register.
She should be calling on all institutions of power not to let Kenyans down as the power they hold is delegated and when it is being misused, Kenyans might demand that it be brought back to them, sometimes in a violent way.