
Kabogo Accuses IEBC Officials Of Colluding With Jubilee Candidates To Rig Him Out

kabogoKiambu governor, William Kabogo on Monday stormed the IEBC offices accusing the officials of colluding with Kabete Mp, Ferdinand Waititu to rig him out.

Kabogo claimed that the officials were having a meeting with the area aspirants but intentionally locked him out of the meeting that was held at Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology.

The Independent candidate said some police officers were intending to rig the election in favour of the Jubilee candidates.

In his address, he said that Jubilee candidates planned to lock out agents belonging to independent candidates so as to rig them out.

Read: Machakos Governor, Alfred Mutua Storms KTN News Live Recording (Video)

William also claimed that IEBC gave the agents modified badges and wanted to know if they would be allowed into the polling station.

”I want you to confirm to us that all these modified badges will be allowed into the polling stations,” he said.

Kabogo will be facing Waititu for the Kiambu governor seat in Tuesday’s general election.

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