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Kabogo Jumps In On Uhuru’s ‘Tanga Tanga’ Movement

Former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo with Deputy President William Ruto. / COURTESY

Former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo on Monday hopped on the ‘tanga tanga’ bandwagon, made popular by President Uhuru Kenyatta last week.

The former county boss paid the Deputy President William Ruto a visit at his Karen home.

“I “tangatangad” Karen to see my good friend the DP,” Kabogo said on social media.

The President while addressing the people of Embakasi asked them to report any incidents to his deputy, who is always on the go over the weekends.

“This young man called Ruto, you know he likes roaming everywhere every weekend. He will be passing through these routes. If he sees anything that’s not going well, tell him. We have to make sure citizen duties are fulfilled,” Uhuru said amid laughter.

Uhuru’s comments elicited mixed reactions from leaders as well as citizens but the DP on a lighter note on Friday told his boss that he is taking his ‘tanga tanga’ responsibility very seriously.

“The permission and command you gave me when you said that I love going to villages and alleys [politicking] every weekend, I want to give you the report though my friend Ndaragua did not say…that the construction of the road from Mathathari to Siakago to Ugweri is now complete,” Ruto told the head of state.

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In quick rejoinder, Uhuru while ordering the CS for Education to build a science laboratory at a local school in honour of Speaker Justin Muturi’s mother said that Ruto will make sure to inspect the project’s development.

“I’ve heard that there’s an institution here where Speaker Muturi schooled that has no laboratory. I want the Education Cabinet Secretary to make sure that the laboratory is constructed so that while William is touring and ‘loitering’ around here, he can check that it is complete,” he remarked.

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