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Kabogo Threatens To Ditch Kenya Kwanza If Leaked Power-sharing Deal is not Revised

Former Kiambu County Governor William Kabogo has threatened to leave the Kenya Kwanza Alliance hours after the alliance’s power-sharing agreement leaked.

Kabogo told Kiambu electorate that he will leave the alliance unless Deputy President William Ruto’s power structure is changed to incorporate the people of Mt Kenya.

“When I met the deputy president in Dubai, I told him I don’t want anything from his government. What I asked him is to ensure the interest of the Mt Kenya region is well captured in his government,” he said.

“We have seen the details of his agreement with other members of the coalition. If that is not rectified to capture the interest of the people living in Mt Kenya then we will have to leave.”

Read: Outrage as Kabogo Lashes Out at Crowd During DP Ruto Kiambu Rally

The leaked document shows that should the DP clinch the presidency in August, he will amend the law to create a powerful position to be known as the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary.

The position will be reserved for Amani National Congress (ANC) party leader Musalia Mudavadi.

The PCS post will have well defined tasks, according to the agreement between Ruto’s UDA, Moses Wetangula’s Ford Kenya, and the ANC.

Ford Kenya will produce the Speaker of the National Assembly. The Senate Speaker post is yet to be assigned to any party but will most likely be filled by a member of Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi’s PAA party.

Read Also: Kabogo Wants Ruto To Commit To Protecting Mt Kenya Interests As He Threatens To Ditch Kenya Kwanza

Ruto’s presidency will seek to modify the National Government Coordination Act of 2013, which established Prime minister’s position in the grand coalition government.

This is not the first time the former Kiambu governor is threatening to ditch Ruto’s camp.

In March, Kabogo said he would withdraw his support for the alliance in two months if its leaders did not commit, in writing, to protecting the interests of his people.

“At the moment, I am in Kenya Kwanza but on a rider that Ruto must present a written document in two months on how he will handle economic matters of our region and if he fails to do so then I may change my mind,” he said.

“I only have one vote and if I was to vote now, it would go to DP Ruto unless I get a reason not to vote. But if something happens and I have to change my mind and vote for myself as president, I will…In politics, a day is a long time. Things do change. You may find me on the ballot but we are not there yet.”

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