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Kalonzo Denies Recognizing Ruto as President

officer guarding kalonzo home dies by suicide

Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka. [COURTESY]

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has denied recognizing William Ruto as a legitimate President.

In a statement on his Facebook page, the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition party co-principal said he was misquoted.

“I have noticed that a section of the media has in the last few hours misquoted my recent statement on the state of affairs in our country. Particularly on the legitimacy of the current regime,” he said.

Kalonzo said the ongoing bipartisan talks will for the audit of the 2022 polls which will settle the issue of the legitimacy of the current regime.

Read: Karua Differs With Kalonzo on Azimio’s Recognition of Ruto as Legitimate President

He noted that there has been political goodwill from both the Kenya Kwanza and Azimio la Umoja coalition on the bipartisan talks.

“We also encourage Kenyans to participate in this important process by sending their memoranda within the given timeline as recently advertised in the dailies. May God bless Kenya.”

Speaking on Saturday during the burial ceremony of Wiper nominated MCA Constance Mkamburi Mwandawiro in Voi, Taita Taveta county, Kalonzo said the opposition recognised Ruto because of the bipartisan talks.

“We are going to call everybody to order. And nobody is going to stop these discussions. On that part I must congratulate the President because he has put his foot down anasema mazungumzo iendelee,” Kalonzo said.

Read Also: Kalonzo To Lead Azimio’s Five-member Dialogue Committee

“Na kwa sababu ya kuonyesha msimamo huo, ata na sisi tunazidi kumtambua.”

Karua said it was “not true” that they recognised Ruto as the legitimate head of state.

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