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Kalonzo Reveals the Secret NASA Agreement, Says Still Ready to Support Raila

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has insisted that ODM leader Raila Odinga should support him for the presidency in the August General Election.

Kalonzo, in a personal statement on Tuesday, said Odinga had breached an agreement he had with him in 2017 by accepting ODM’s endorsement for the presidency.

The former Vice President was the Orange chief’s running mate under the defunct National Super Alliance (NASA) coalition in the 2017 polls.

The coalition comprised of Musalia Mudavadi of Amani National Congress (ANC) party and Ford Kenya’s Moses Wetangula lost to President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto of Jubilee.

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But in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) shared with the media today, Kalonzo said Odinga had committed to supporting him for the presidency in this year’s polls whether the alliance won the elections or not.

The agreement was witnessed by lawyers Kivutha Kibwana and Makau Mutua.

“In the articles of agreement, principal H (Raila Odinga) agrees in a public MOU to serve for one term and publicly endorse principal Q (Kalonzo Musyoka) as the presidential candidate for 2022,” said Kalonzo while referring to Odinga’s fifth stab at the presidency.

Kalonzo, who is one of the four principals in the One Kenya Alliance (OKA), has called for honest negotiations as the alliance seeks to enter into a pre-coalition pact with Odinga’s Azimio la Umoja Movement.

He, however, indicated he is ready to work with Odinga to form the next government despite the ‘breach’.

“I’m ready to work with Raila Odinga under the three pillar grand coalition government for the sake of our nation. I urge we engage in fresh negotiations,” he added.

In his address, today, Kalonzo faulted Mutua for the breach of the agreement.

He said efforts to reach the US-based lawyer to convene a meeting with Odinga to address the latest dispute had proved futile.

“This was a secret agreement but the person who was to release it is already in breach of it,” said Musyoka.

“I have tried in vain to have Makau Mutua call a meeting with Raila.”

Kalonzo made the remarks at the height of the August succession politics with President Kenyatta endorsing Odinga for the top seat.

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On Saturday, the Wiper boss snubbed the ODM National Delegates Convention at the Kasarani Stadium where OKA leaders including Gideon Moi of KANU and UDP’s Cyrus Jirongo joined the Head of State and other politicians to drum up support for Azimio.

Interestingly, he had earlier attended Jubilee party’s NDC at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC), sparking speculations on being indecisive ahead of the polls.

During the meeting at Kasarani, President Kenyatta and Odinga revealed plans to launch nationwide rallies ahead of the unveiling of Azimio’s joint presidential candidate. The candidate will battle it out with Deputy President William Ruto of the Kenya Kwanza coalition.

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