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Kalonzo To Meet Raila Over NASA Coalition Funds Row

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka is meeting with his ODM counterpart Raila Odinga over political parties funds row.

Nasa principals; Kalonzo, Raila, Moses Wetangula (Ford Kenya) and Musalia Mudavadi of ANC, have been at loggerheads of funding that ODM has allegedly been receiving on behalf of the coalition.

Earlier, Wetangula revealed that a plot was in the works to drag the Raila-led party to court over the funds his party has been receiving since 2017.

“What is left of NASA is winding up and accountability issues. Public resources have been channeled to one of partners who has completely refused to account. This may lead to legal challenges and as affiliates we shall seek remedies legally starting with arbitration, tribunal and maybe eventually the High Court,” said Wetangula.

Read: Wiper, Ford Kenya and ANC Set To Officially Pull Out Of NASA, Sue ODM For Funds

He further revealed that Kalonzo’s attempts to discuss the matter with Raila have been dismissed over the last six months.

“The numbers of each coalition party in Parliament is a matter of public record. Funds disbursed so far have only been received by one coalition partner; the Orange Democratic Movement at the expense of other coalition partners,” said Kalonzo in a letter to Raila dated May 21.

Speaking to Radio Citizen on Thursday, Raila said the party has been receiving funds based on the number of legislators in both Houses sponsored by the party and not the 2017 presidential election outcome.

“If we were receiving money based on the presidential elections, that would have been fine to share with our colleagues,” Raila said.

Read Also: I Haven’t Asked for Your Support – Raila Ridicules Kalonzo

“There are those who are spreading rumours that ODM is denying other affiliates money. If that money is available, we will share with them.”

But according to Kalonzo, the coalition has been receiving funds from the Registrar of Political Parties and the issue at hand was the division of the monies.

“Basically, the issue is about sharing of the revenue out of the Political Parties funds because these are public funds. This is taxpayers’ money,” he said.

He added that top on the agenda will be the revenue and not matters 2022 elections.

“The time to discuss that is coming and coming very soon. That is not on the agenda today,” he added.

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