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Kalonzo Musyoka Secretly Jets Off to DRC for Unknown Business

Kalonzo Musyoka

NASA presidential running mate Kalonzo Musyoka was seen boarding a Ethiopian airline plane to the DRC this morning, around 5AM.

The NASA principal was driven to the airport by his driver and escorted by his usual motorcade.

It is not clear what Kalonzo went to do in the DRC but observers point that the mission might be related to the upcoming elections.

ALSO READ: Raila Doesn’t Have a Running Mate as Kalonzo is WIPER Candidate – IEBC

Kalonzo is also fond of meeting Jamleck Kamau and his wife Nduku Musmbi.

It is not clear what the two are up to but the meetings have become so frequent that observers now point to a clear plan in the works.


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