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KCAA Dismisses Claims Aircraft Went Missing From Radar in Machakos

Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) has dismissed claims that an aircraft vanished in Machakos on Monday evening.

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko shared details of the alleged missing aircraft on his social media pages. He said that the domestic aircraft lost communication with the tower and went missing from the radar for sometime due to “negligence” by air traffic controllers.

“A domestic aircraft reportedly lost communication with tower and went missing from the radar for sometime due to negligence by some careless air traffic controllers,” claimed the ex-county chief.

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He threatened to expose those working in the aviation industry should such an incident occur again.

“Next time hii mchezo ikifanyika tena tutawaanika hadharani one by one you know yourselves. Ukiwa na hangover chukua off (If this mistake happens again, we will publicly shame you….If you have hangovers, take days off).”

But according to KCAA communications officer Mercy Mbaka the allegations made by the ousted governor were “fake news”.

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Mbaka asked members of the public not to panic, adding that no such incident had occurred.

“KCAA would like to clarify that no such incident occurred. We are in contact with all air operators in the country and none has reported such an incident,” Mbaka said.

“We wish to assure all our stakeholders that KCAA is fully in control of our airspace through our Air Traffic Controllers and all air navigation facilities are up to date and functioning well.”

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