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KDF Officer, 3 AP Constables Arrested Over StanChart Ksh72 Million Heist


A Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) officer and three administration police (AP) officers have been arrested over the Ksh72 million G4S, Stanchart heist.

According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) the four were arrested on Thursday night.

They include Simon Gichui, Florence Karuku, Caroline Waithera, and Kenya Defence Forces officer Eunice Wangari.

Read: DCI Find Vehicle Used In Ksh72 Million Money Heist Being Repainted In Kikuyu Town

Furthermore, a motor vehicle suspected to be a proceed of the crime has also been impounded and kept as an exhibit.

“A motor vehicle suspected to be proceeds of the crime was kept as Exhibit,” DCI mentioned in a tweet.

The four, who are currently in police custody, will be arraigned in court.

The DCI also noted that they are looking for a suspect, Bernard Sewanga, who has gone into hiding.

Also read: Six Suspects In StanChart ATM Heist Released On Sh1 Million Bond

Detectives have been investigating the theft of Ksh72 million which was stolen while on transit from G4S headquarters along Witu Road and an ATM in Nairobi West belonging to Standard Chartered Bank.

Several people have since been arrested in connection to the theft after detectives found cash boxes and bags in Thogoto Forest, Kiambu Forest.

Last week, police arrested a G4S employee and Ksh1 million was recovered buried in a cowshed in Lurambi, Kakamega county.

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