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KeNHA Explains Traffic Disruption Along Mombasa Road

The Kenya National Highway Authority (KeNHA) has explained traffic disruption along Mombasa Road linking it to the construction of the Nairobi Expressway.

Through a statement, the authority indicated that the situation has been worsened by the heavy rains witnessed across the country.

Apparently, the heavy rains interfered with drainage systems leading to flooding in different locations hence leading to traffic.

“The disruption to traffic on the A8 Road within the section from Mlolongo to James Gichuru has been occasioned by the ongoing construction of the Expressway within the central median and associated relocation of utilities such as water and sewer pipes, power lines and ICT fibre cables,” the statement reads in part.

Read: Transport Paralyzed As Oria-Riat Bridge Along Migori-Homa Bay Road Collapses

Last week, transport along the Migori-Homa Bay road was paralyzed after the Oria-Riat bridge collapsed.

In yet another account of events, KeNHA alerted motorists that the Dhogoye Bridge along the Bondo-Usenge road had collapsed due to heavy rains experienced in the region.

The authority urged motorists to be patient as plans to have the bridge repaired were underway.

“Since there is no alternative access to Osieko, we wish to advise motorists along that section not to attempt crossing the over-topped section, and to only cross when water levels are low,” the statement by KeNHA read.

Heavy rains have been experienced in different parts of the country for the last couple of days with the Kenya Met warning that the downpour might continue until the end of May.

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