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Kenya Receives 2.2 Million Doses of AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine From Germany

Kenya on Thursday morning received an addition of over 2.2 million doses of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.

The latest consignment was donated by the Government of Germany via COVAX facility.

Kenya had yesterday received 1,462,400 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The shipment was a donation from development partners with Denmark donating 266,400, Belgium 445,300 while 750,700 doses were received from Netherlands.

Read: Amnesty International Warns Gov’t Over Threats to Deny Unvaccinated Kenyans Services

The donations are a major boost in Kenya’s fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

The government targets to vaccinate 10 million people by the close of the year with 26 million people expected to have been vaccinated by the end of next year.

As of November 30, a total of 7,175,590 vaccines had been administered across the country. Of these, 4,415,756 were partially vaccinated while those fully vaccinated were 2,759,827.

Read Also: Kenya to Start Local Production of Covid-19 Vaccines in 2022

The government last month announced plans to deny unvaccinated Kenyans essential services from December 21 as part of efforts to encourage its citizens to take the jab.

The services include Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Education, National Transport Service Authority (NTSA), Immigration, hospital and prison visitations and port services among others.

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