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Kenyan “Celebrities” Need a Crash Course on Decorum and Common Sense

True to the befitting moniker bestowed on us by former Safaricom boss Michael Joseph, our peculiarity as a Nation precedes us. How else would you explain how we christen the likes of Huddah Monroe as “Celebrities” at the expense of talented sports figures and other personalities who’ve done us proud as a Country? Oh well, I wouldn’t be the one to rob her ilk the crown bestowed on them by the darling masses; still the likes of Huddah, Joe Muchiri and the clique of pea brained pseudo celebs need a crash course on basic manners and common sense pronto.

Take Huddah for instance who doesn’t meet the minimum threshold of being a socialite by dictionary definition. Her ilk of soft porn actresses are women who are popular amongst the average and simpletons, teenagers and those easily excited by social media razzmatazz. Otherwise she’s nothing short of an overrated thot who hawks her merchandise to the highest bidder.

Her recent remarks on NASA demonstrators is a clear purvey of why a brain transplant rather than boobs lift would have done her more good.

Not only was it callous, it was downright stupid, uncalled for, unfortunate and catastrophic.

For an alleged entrepreneur whose customers cut across the political divide(eh, the lipstick consumers I mean) the shallow sentiments are bound to sink her. Claiming other communities would buy her products if one community boycotts is the height of hubris. Last I checked, NASA supporters cut across ethnic divides.

READ: DJ Kaytrixx Clashes With Joe Muchiri Over Tero Mdee

Another shameless “celeb” is Capital FM’s Joe Muchiri who has a mouth fouler than a Sailor’s. The man has a penchant for obscene and blasphemous remarks and true to the nature of weaklings, they’re often directed at women. His profanity against Tero Mdee former Straight up host hadn’t escaped our minds and there he was again. Unleashing another stench on another woman.

He said she deserves being raped with a cactus and for what crime against humanity you might ponder? For saying she won’t vote for Nyashinki. His list is endless and for a professional producer, his street like, slay king cum drag queen high on cheap pot kind of theatrics give a bad name to the profession.

His apology was half hearted and lame.

You are musing? Wait until you’ve heard what the talentless Chipukeezy did. As if the new hair do wasn’t bad enough, the boy who shot to the limelight thanks to fellow Kambas – read Mutoko and Churchil- and whose jokes are so dry you’d mistake them for Kitui firewood. The now turned groupie met Internationally acclaimed comedian Kevin Hart through a Kenyan friend (lady) then gave a media interview and lied through his teeth about it claiming some Mzungu woman hooked them up. The aggrieved lass was forced to bust his behind.

READ: Socialite Huddah Monroe Accuses Senior Politician Of Hijacking Her Idea

Most of our celebs especially in the entertainment industry are as ratchet as they come. Basic manners and common sense eludes them so precariously.

A little decorum costs zero shillings. Its a measure of maturity to exercise caution before turning into a keyboard riffraff like Monroe and Muchiri. Courting controversy to stay relevant should not be at the altar of sensibility.

Their ilk need a crash course on the limits one who’s in public limelight can go because these things often come back to bite. Kenyans should stop glorifying the mediocre celebs and instead hold up the real ones. Those who continuously insult others to stay relevant should be trashed to the bins where they belong and called out for the profane souls they are.

The people made you… Respect them!

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