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Kenyan Intelligence Not Happy With BlackBerry Donations

According to Nairobi Star, a local Daily, Kenya’s National Security and Intelligence Service (NSIS) is not happy with the BlackBerry donations by USA to IIEC. The intelligence body is not happy arguing that the American CIA was able to view results before they reached the National tallying centre.

NSIS is said to have been very much angered with the move and tried to block the usage of the devices. It is good to donations but sometimes we get all kinds of donations in this country. 21,000 Netbooks would have been better donation than 21,000 Blackberry’s since they cost almost the same with some netbooks even cheaper.

Calls to IIEC officials on this matter have not been answered.

What do you think of the NSIS argument. Do you think the results were secure? Was USA privy to the tally before the IIEC

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