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Khalwale Terms as Malicious Claims That He Pocketed Sh1 Million Donation by DP Ruto

Former Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale has denied pocketing Sh1 million donation by Deputy President William Ruto.

It is said that Dr Ruto donated the money to support the women and youth in the area by boosting their small businesses.

On Thursday, Isukha East MCA Farouk Machanje called on Khalwale to hand over the money and urged the DP to stop channeling funds through the former legislator.

“I’m here as the MCA of Isukha East, and we want Khalwale to come out and account for the Sh1 million donated by RUto to help the women and youth,” Machanje said.

Read: Boni Khalwale Criticized for Allegedly Pocketing Money Donated to Kakamega Residents by DP Ruto

But according to Khalwale, the malicious and unfounded allegations are only meant to tarnish his reputation.

The aspiring governor claimed that he did not have a hand in the distribution of the said funds. Instead he pointed an accusatory finger at Machanje’s rival, Maggie Mmuka.

“The MCA wants to blame me (instead of his perennial rival Maggie Mmuka) for the public humiliation he received under the eyes of WSR (William Samoei Ruto) when he was shouted off the podium at Khayega,” he said.

He added: “Meanwhile, we assure him of free and fair nominations for the UDA ticket and should he bag it, I will aggressively campaign for him to be elected.”

Read Also: Murathe Asks EACC To Summon DP Ruto, Khalwale Over KEMSA Saga

Machanje also labelled Khalwale a political broker who was more focused on satisfying his interests rather than those of the people of Kakamega.

He further urged the UDA party to hand the gubernatorial ticket to another individual.

“I am asking my friend DP, kindly look for someone else and work with him for the Kakamega county gubernatorial race. Khalwale is a no. He is a political broker.”

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