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“Some Kenyans Are Idle And Foolish, ” Kibaki’s Secretary Ngari Gituku Dismisses Hospitalization Claims

Kibaki son, jacob ocholla mwai

Former President Mwai Kibaki /courtesy

Former President Mwai Kibaki’s private secretary Ngari Gituku has refuted claims that the former was re-admitted at the Nairobi Hospital’s private wing following an ailment.

Speaking to a local news outlet, Gituku has rubbished the claims as untrue and termed the people spreading the lies as foolish, idle with nothing else to do.

“Some Kenyans are idle and foolish with nothing to do. I don’t know where this madness is coming from. It is not true,” said Gituku.

Earlier, a section of the mainstream media reported that the former head of state had been re-admitted at the hospital barely two weeks after being discharged.

Read: Former President Kibaki’s Aide Dismisses Reports Of His Hospitalization As “Gross Exaggerations”

The Star cited anonymous sources adding that he had been driven back to the facility on Monday evening and was being treated for a previous ailment.

On June 19, it was reported that the former head of state was rushed to the hospital after he complained of pain in the lower abdomen.

He reportedly spent about 10 days in the hospital’s VIP wing as medics worked around the clock to manage severe pain that resulted from an infection.

Read Also: Former President Mwai Kibaki Hospitalised In Nairobi

“Samples were taken for testing in the lab. The results are out and nothing to worry about. His team of doctors are managing the pain,” a source intimated to The Star.

A source in the office of the former President told the local media that Kibaki is in the hospital for a routine medical check-up.

“It is a normal visit and there is nothing new. He goes there more often for scheduled check-ups be it once in a month or even twice. So no (cause for) alarm,” the aide is quoted.

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