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Kibra By-election Face-off Live Blog: All Briefs In Race To Succeed Ken Okoth

ODM leader Raila Odinga's daughter Winnie casting her vote[Photo/Courtesy]


The Kibra voters will today elect their next Member of Parliament following the demise of Ken Okoth.

The polls opened at 6 AM on Thursday morning.

The hotly contested seat has attracted 24 candidates.

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party’s Imran Okoth and Jubilee’s McDonald Mariga are touted to be the front runners in the race.

The two enjoy support from political bigwigs including ODM leader Raila Odinga and Deputy President William Ruto, with both leaders fighting to win the election ahead of the 2022 presidential succession politics.

Kibra has been Raila’s political bedrock for decades now and pundits believe a loss would be a blow to his 2022 Presidential bid and political image.

We will be here all day to give you live updates on the developments.

4:13 PM: ODM accused of violence with the party supporters said to be beating women and snatching their bags.

1:37 PM: ODM’s Junet Mohammed accuses the police of not acting decisively to reports of voter bribery.

1:30 PM: Mariga states he will fight for rights of Kenyans residing in the diaspora to be registered as voters.

Sisi tuliosihi nchi za nje, hatujapatiwa fursa ya kupiga kura au kusajiliwa. Nikiingia bungeni, nitapigania wanaoishi nchi za nje wapate nafasi ya kupiga kura na kuwakilisha Kenya, ” he stated.

1:05 PM: Starehe MP Charles Njagua alias Jaguar chased from Kibra.

12:59 PM: Contingent of GSU officers deployed at DC Grounds after rival groups clashed.

12:15 PM: Rowdy youth pelt stones at former Kakamega Senator Boniface Khalwale. He, however, didn’t suffer any injuries. The residents claimed he is not welcomed in Kibra.

11:58 AM: Mariga dismisses his supporters are bribing voters in kibra saying, “Hio ni porojo. ukipata mtu yeyote anahonga wapiga kura, ambia polisi washikwe na wapelekwe mahakamani.”

11:40 AM: Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino’s vehicle reportedly stoned after chaos erupted at Woodley.

11: 30 AM: Raila’s wife Ida casts her vote at Old Kibra primary polling station. Ida said she had to wait for 15 minutes to cast her vote as there was a problem with the KIEMs gadget.

11:12 AM: ODM leader Raila Odinga arrives at Old Kibra Primary to cast his vote.

10:55 AM: Imran Okoth casts his vote at Old Kibra Primary School.

10:51: IEBC official arrested in Woodley area for allegedly bribing voters, Nairobi police boss Philip Ndolo confirms.

10:50 AM: ODM’s Junet Mohamed says police kicked out of Lindi area.

10:45 AM: Mariga enroute to Lindi area. He’ll, however, not vote for himself as he is not a registered voter of the constituiency.

10: 27 AM: Amani National Congress leader Musalia Mudavadi and his party’s candidate Eliud Owalo arrive at Old Kibra Primary school where Owalo cast his vote.

10:05 AM: IEBC warns voters against sharing photos of marked ballot papers saying the act violates secrecy of ballot.

9:51 AM: The late Ken Okoth’s mother, Angeline Ajwang, arrives at Old Kibra primary school to cast her vote.

10:00 AM: Two people, a man and a woman, arrested over voter bribery claims. The man, identified as James Kipkorir is a member of Langata Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

8:50 AM: Monica Okoth, widow of former Kibra MP casts her vote at the Old Kibera Primary School.

8 AM: A scuffle ensues after a man was manhandled for allegedly bribing voters in the ongoing by-election.

6 AM: Polls Open

About Kibra Constituency 

The constituency has five wards – Makina, Laini Saba, Sarang’ombe, Woodley/Kenyatta Golf Course and Lindi with 118,658 votes.

Laini Saba 17,455 voters, Lindi 16,688, Makina 25,695, Woodley/ Kenyatta Golf Course 28,066 and Sarang’ombe 30,754.

Other candidates in the race are Amani National Congress’ Eliud Owala, Ford Kenya’s Eng. Khamisi Butichi, Ukweli party’s Editar Achieng’ and several independent candidates eyeing the seat.

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