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Kidero Charged Afresh in Nairobi County Graft Case

Former Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero and 12 others Friday pleaded afresh to charges of defrauding the Nairobi City County of Sh58 million.

They appeared before Chief Magistrate Felix Kombo and denied the corruption charges.

The accused included Kidero, Nairobi County Chief of Staff George Wanaina, former Nairobi Mayor John Kariuki, former Councillor Paul Mutunga Mutungi, Philomena Nzuki, Ng’ang’a Mungai, Ekaya Alumasi, James Mbugua, Elizabeth Wanjiru, Alice Njeri, John Wanaina and the Cups Limited.

Ekaya, Alice, Elizabeth, James, Mungai, Philomena being former accountants at the county were accused of using their office to ‘improperly confer a benefit of Sh58 million on Wachira Mburu Mwangi and company advocates’

John Ndirangu on the other hand was charged with unlawfully acquiring Sh8.9 million from Steven Kariuki Mburu (deceased) a partner with the law firm of Wachira, Mburu, Mwangi and Company Advocates.

Read: How Kidero Used City Hall Loot To Upgrade His Riverside Apartments

The monies were part of the Sh58 million unlawfully paid by the firm.

In addition, Mutunga a former councilor in the defunct Nairobi City Council unlawfully acquired Sh5 million from the said law firm affected by the later Steven Mburu a partner with the firm.

The monies were part of the Sh58 million unlawfully paid by the county.

The offences are said to have been committed in 2014.

Lawyer Tom Ojienda representing Kidero sought for an early date so as to show that money was paid for, work done and there is nothing to question.

The matter will be mentioned on October 6.

Read Also: EACC Detectives Arrest Kidero, Ex-Chief Of Staff Over Sh68 Million Graft

On December 4, 2019, Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti had directed that the DPP prepare and present new charge sheets in relation to the case and have Kidero, former Chief of Staff Wanaina, John Ndirangu and 13 others take fresh pleas.

The DPP was ordered to prepare a fresh charges in the two cases after the court declined to consolidate Sh58 million Kidero’s file with that of Nyakach MP Joshua Aduma Owuor who was charged with corruptly authorizing payment of Sh10 million to a law firm of a dead lawyer eight years ago.

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