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Kigumo MP Muturi Kigano Tables Motion To Fix Rogue Churches


A motion has been tabled in Parliament seeking the regulation of the formation and registration of churches and other religious institutions.

Demanding a draft bill from the Attorney General within 90 days, Kigumo Member of Parliament (MP) Muturi Kigano tabled the motion with an aim to prevent Kenyans from continually being exploited by people purporting to be ‘men of God.’

Speaking on the motion, the legislator noted: “The purpose of this proposal is to curtail theft from the public by certain individuals calling themselves ‘men of God’.

“We must regulate the industry because it has become a den of corruption, extortion and other social evils,” he affirmed.

Kigano also mentioned that if the AG fails to draft a bill, he will take it upon himself to draft private members’ bill.

Additionally, he divulged that the current law is weak and cannot address the problems ‘we see.’

Kigano also stated that his proposed regulation is targeting the charismatic or modern-day churches, and not the traditional such as the Catholic, African Inland, and Anglican churches.

“It is not in doubt that the modern-day churches are deeply involved in commercial activities, as evidenced by their mode of dressing, media advertising so as to attract congregants, who are then coerced to make prescribed offertories and participate in endless harambees, whose proceeds end up in the owners’ pockets.”

Read: Pastor Ng’ang’a Charged For Threatening Linus Kaikai, Released On Sh200,000 Bail

Mr Kigano argued that most modern-churches have nothing to show for their existence, unlike traditional ones that have built schools, hospitals and charitable institutions.

The motion is subject to consideration by the Justice and Legal Affairs Committee, which will in turn table a report in the House.

The motion’s core is to amend the Societies Act so as to enable the Registrar of Societies to bring back sanity.

This followed a tough-knuckle that Citizen TV’s Linus Kaikai served the modern churches leaders with. One that saw him receive open letters and backlash from most of them.

Neno Evangelism Bishop James Ng’ang’a was recently arrested and later released on bail for allegedly threatening to kill Mr Kaikai following his remarks.

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