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Is Kipchumba Murkomen Jealous of Moses Kuria’s Closeness to DP Ruto?


DP William Ruto, Senator Murkomen and President Uhuru Kenyatta share a light moment

Feisty, hard tackling, and with an arsenal  for a mouth are some of the adjectives that best describe Elgeyo-Marakwet Senator Onesimus Kipchumba Murkomen.

Known to ruffle feathers with opposition leaders, one would wonder where Murkomen derives his tenacity from.

The vigour with which he defends the ruling party and attacks the opposition leaves the latter exasperated while the former politically excited. Last week, he blatantly told NASA leader Raila Odinga to retire or be content with being the opposition leader as “God did not want him to lead.

DP Ruto and his wife Rachel Ruto as she celebrated her birthday

In what appears to be a push and pull in Jubilee, key politicians are now fighting for the attention of the only man who is poised to be the next President of Kenya after Uhuru Kenyatta.

Fight for the attention of Deputy President William Ruto was witnessed yesterday when key politicians ran to the DP’s office immediately after the Supreme Court ruling with intention of being seen to be close to him.

Some of the photos circulating online moments after the announcement saw Moses Kuria, the DP’s wife (Mama Rachel Ruto) and others celebrating in his office. Immediately after, Senator Kipchumba Murkomen and National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale also joined the Deputy President to celebrate with him and take photos which they generously shared online later.

Now key politicians in the Jubilee coalition say that Uhuru’s attention is not as sought after as that of the Deputy President who already has a head-start in the 2022 race, ahead of all other potential candidates in and out of the ruling party.

The position of the DP might also make him the next most hated and liked person in the country after Raila Odinga as his enemies will pull all strings to try to stop his ascendency to the throne.

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