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Concern As Kisii County Fire Engine Is Abandoned In Machakos For Months (Photos)

kisii fire engine

A Kisii County Fire Engine Abandoned in Machakos. [Courtesy]

A fire engine belonging to Kisii County government has been parked in Mavoko, Machakos County for close to two months now.

The fire engine, a Twitter user identified as Fred Sambu said was without a registration number, adding that despite being parked in Mavoko, it was clamped by Nairobi County askaris.

“Why are your officers clamping (clamp no.NCC 936/16) a plateless kisii county Fire engine that was parked at Mavoko (sic)?” he posed a question to governor Mike Sonko.

Again on Tuesday, Mr Sambu noted that Kisii governor James Ongwae had launched new fire engines the previous day while the fire engine in question was still abandoned at Great Wall Garden apartments, near Athi River, and right opposite London distillers Limited.

The Kisii county fire department has not been without drama. Take for example, a fire engine was in 2017 repossessed by a Thika based firm due to failed payments.

According to Kisii County Disaster Recovery Department Director Julius Tinega, the national government was to blame for incapacitating the department.

“We are yet to receive the funds for the purchase of a fire engine despite having submitted a proposal. Treasury was supposed to disburse the monies in the 2016/17 financial year but is yet to do so,” said Mr Tinega.

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