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Kisumu County Residents Want DCI, EACC To Probe Corrupt Finance, Energy CECs

kisumu corruption

Kisumu County Governor Anyang Nyong'o /Courtesy

Kisumu County residents want EACC and DCI officers to look into corruption allegations in the Finance and Energy departments within the county government.

Using the Kisumu County Watch lobby group, residents want DCI George Kinoti and Twalib Mbarak of EACC to probe finance CEC Nerry Achar and his energy counterpart Alice Moraa.

The two county employees are being accused of doing business with firms that were not prequalified in 2017/18 financial year and money laundering schemes.

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“Sir, Kindly probe a firm by the name Guru IT which was used in the procurement of a tender for e-trade licence, this was a World Bank fully funded project and these people simply make documentations and siphon out payments claiming its Guru IT that did the works,” the lobby group chairman John Jommo writes.

According to Weekly Citizen, the deal was actualized in the finance department with some junior staffers in the energy docket who did not cooperate were transferred while others were threatened.

Documents with Guru IT were allegedly signed by Finance CEC Moraa’s personal assistant, Ken Gwako.

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In the letter addressed to Kinoti and Mbarak, the residents want an account (0100005493158) at CFC Bank Kisumu held by Moraa investigated over claims that it is holding graft money.

It is in this account, Kahawa Tungu understands, proceeds of crime are deposited as well as monies made at her Havanas Bar and Restaurant. This is apparently supposed to serve as a cover up.

“Kindly investigate the chief finance officer whose qualification for the position is in doubt and who operates a money laundering account at Equity Bank Premiere branch in Kisumu and whose car is a kickback from a contractor and recently bought two houses in Kisii town,” they added.

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The energy county executive has also been accused of favoritism. She has been awarding contracts to a company identified as Jowipe Contractors.

Jowipe is allegedly owned by her spouse. Other companies under her name are; Edwarmo Supplies, Optimal Services among others.

“The executive and the MCAs are involved in a serious malpractice commonly referred to as grassroots projects. These are projects which were not in the 2017/18 budget.

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The Kisumu county MCAs are given blank local supply order forms by the executive where all ward projects estimated at Sh9 million per ward are awarded by the MCAs to their cronies and phony companies then the procurement department is forced to rationalize the documentation,” the letter further states.

This has led to corruption cases in which expenses for certain projects has doubled over time. For example, boda boda sheds which were done at Sh250,000 during the last regime now cost Sh500,000.

Residents are also troubled by the fact that CEC for trade and industry Richard Ogendo who was in June arrested over allegations of assault on his chief officer Margaret Ouma is still in office.

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Also facing criminal charges but still in office is director of special programmes Ruth Odinga.

Residents also want county Health CEC investigated for ripping off the county of Sh280,000 per month.

Kahawa Tungu has learnt that four Cuban doctors deployed to the county have been residing at a hotel; Ruby Court, Milimani Estate owned by the health cec.

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