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KOT Start Hashtag #IfikieWazazi To Expose Teenagers’ Explicit Activities In The CBD


Parents in Nairobi have been shocked by the photo shoots that teenagers are taking in the CBD. The hashtag #IfikieWazazi started after one of the girls involved posted an explicit photo and later a video asking people to leave them alone since it is their bodies.

The pictures of mostly half naked girls are being posted on Instagram under different  accounts. Some even have sex in taxis and in the public and then post them online.

Kenyans on twitter have started the hashtag  #IfikieWazazi to make parents aware of the teenagers activities.

Legitimate photographers are complaining that this unscrupulous youngsters are destroying their credibility. They said that they had requested the county government to allow them to take pictures at the Central Business District so as to display the beauty of the city and not to use it for such activities.

Read: Kenyan Parents Of H&Ms ‘Coolest Monkey’ Boy Happy With The Racist Modelling, Rapper Diddy Offers Boy Sh.100 Million Contract

The United Nations- Habitat Youth envoy have called for adults to be positive role models to the youths since they are the future for tomorrow.

Here are some of the tweets from the hashtag:

Its a shame that when parents are out here working hard to feed their families their children are being exploited by unscrupulous photographers . The questions is who too blame  for such behaviors?

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