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KRA To Retain Name As Kimunya Withdraws Bill After Heated Debate

National Assembly Majority Leader Amos Kimunya has withdrawn the Kenya Revenue Authority (Amendment) Bill after a heated debate on Thursday.

The bill before the Committee of the Whole House sought to rename Kenya Revenue Authority to Kenya Revenue Service.

“The principal object of the bill is to amend the Kenya Revenue Authority Act, 1995 by changing the name ‘Kenya Revenue Authority’ to ‘Kenya Revenue Service,” said the Kipipiri MP.

The name change was meant to rebrand the authority’s public image and thereby enhance tax compliance through improved public relations.

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Garissa Township MP Aden Duale submitted an amendment on Thursday to protect the jobs of incumbent Commissioners and Board members.

The amendment proposed that the incumbent commissioners serve for the remainder of the term, after which new members will be recruited.

Duale stated that changing the name will transform the corporation into a completely distinct entity, requiring the current Commissioners and Board to resign.

“We must insulate the current Commissioner General and Board in a transition way that change of name does not affect their current status so they will be in the office until the expiry of time,” said the former majority leader.

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“If this House approves the change of name from Kenya Revenue Authority to Kenya Revenue Service then that is a different body.”

But Duale’s amendments were challenged by Kimunya, who claimed that the current Commissioners and Board members are already protected under the Bill, a view that the Garissa Township MP disagreed with.

“While I agree with the need for protection, I had already provided for that. Every job is already saved,” Kimunya submitted.

Unable to reach a compromise, Kimunya informed the Speaker of his decision to withdraw the Bill in accordance with Standing Order 140, bringing the contentious discussion to a close.

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“Because this is such a fundamental alteration of the original bill, I want to save this house time to debate the Bill by withdrawing the Bill,” Kimunya said.

The 12th Parliament is set to adjourn sine die (indefinitely) later today after which the House will only convene for a special sitting on the request of the leader of majority to the House Speaker Justin Muturi.

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