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KWS Promises Action After Electrocution of Rothschild Giraffes in Soysambu Conservancy

The Kenya Wildlife Society has responded to an incident where three Rotchschild giraffes were electrocuted at Soysambu conservancy over the weekend, saying that Kenya Power is currently assessing the situation at the conservancy.

Reports indicate that the giraffes were moving along a low-hanging local power transmission line within the vast conservancy when they got electrocuted.

The incident caused an uproar especially after conservationists revealed that close to 11 endangered giraffes have so far been electrocuted since 2019.

The Kenya Wildlife Society has responded to the incident, saying that Kenya Power is currently assessing the situation at the conservancy.

Read: Poachers Kill The Only Female White Giraffe, Calf In Kenya – Conservancy Manager

“The company is expected to replace the electricity poles to prevent electrocution of giraffes in the area.” a Press release from KWS said.

The statement further said that the Tourism and Wildlife CS Najib Balala was engaging Energy CS Charles Keter for a longer-lasting solution.

KWS representatives are reported to have visited the Soysambu conservancy, where they determined that the height of electricity poles were low-lying, below the Giraffes’ height.

There are a total of 28,850 giraffes in the country: 12,717 are Maasai Giraffes, 15,524 are Reticulated Giraffes and only 609 are Rothschild’s giraffes.

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