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Court Allows Linturi’s Wife Kitany Back Into Runda Home




Court has reinstated orders blocking Meru Senator Mithika Linturi from evicting his estranged wife Maryanne Kitany from their Runda home.

Ms Kitany was thrown out by the legislator on December 19, 2018 with the help of over 15 goons with some wielding machetes.

On Monday, senior resident magistrate Isaac Orenge ordered Runda police station to ensure that the family enjoys peace.

“I find that the door of justice is not closed because a mistake has been made by a lawyer. This was the first time Kitany advocate had failed to attend court and the application was brought without delay. I allow the application in terms of Prayer 3 and order that the application be fixed forthwith for hearing,” Orenge said.

Kitany, formerly the chief of staff in the office of the Deputy President William Ruto now a business woman has since filed for divorce.

In her divorce suit, she wants the union dissolved for neglect, cruelty, desertion and infidelity.

She also wants the court to declare that she is entitled to 50% of the shares and assets held by Linturi in Atticon. The businesswoman also wants a share of Litany Investments Limited, Arc Business Solutions Ltd, Arkchoice Insurance brokers Limited, Arkchoice pharmaceuticals, Arkgroup Limited and Fancy solutions Limited.

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She has also accused him of causing her mental anguish and having illicit affairs during their marriage. As a result she is currently on daily medication for depression and psychotherapy.

Linturi, she says, has in the past threatened her with death and has exposed her to sexually transmitted diseases.

“I had on several occasions been exposed to venereal diseases and STD’s of various kinds and when I confronted him to accompany me for treatment he threatened me with death,” she said.

But on his part, the senator has denied being married to the petitioner and only allowed her to stay in Runda as a visitor.

“I am in a monogamous relationship with only one woman who is not Kitany. She was only allowed as a guest and when she started claiming to be married to my client when he is obviously in a monogamous relationship with someone else, then she abused his hospitality,” he argued.

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