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Tension As Marauding Lions Roam Naivasha Villages

Lions / Courtesy

The Kenya Wild Life Services (KWS) has been alarmed after eight marauding lions were spotted in Moi Ndabi and Ndabibi areas in Naivasha.

Locals have decried impending danger, calling for authorities to tame the animals before the situation gets out hand.

According to reports, the animals fled from Lake Nakuru National park.

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Locals believe the lions are behind livestock killings reported in Soysambu and Eburru in the past few months.

A KWS officer said the lions are five adults and three curbs.

“We have set several snares to trap these animals and it’s a matter of time before we catch them,” the officer said.

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Maella Member of County Assembly Gathariki Kamanu told the press that the first lion was spotted by motorists plying Moi North Lake Road.

He said the lions posed a danger to residents and school going children, further urging KWS to fast track the operation.

“We have school children who use this road every morning and evening and their lives are in danger until the lions are trapped,” he said.

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On his part, warder in charge of Hells Gate National park, Peter Lekeren, urged members of the public to volunteer any information that would help bring normalcy in the area.

“There are some lions that we believe have strayed from Lake Nakuru National park and our officers are on the field tracking them,” he said.

This is not the first time lions have been spotted roaming freely in Kenya. Last year, a pride of lions were spotted at Lang’ata Road after they escaped the confines of the Nairobi National park.

Motorists plying the route were urged to be careful, as KWS launched an operation to have the king of the jungle back in the park.

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