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List of countries and territories not participating in the Olympic Games

Paris Olympics 2024

Paris Olympics 2024

List of countries and territories not participating in the Olympic Games, including reasons for their non-participation:


Reason: Does not have an active National Olympic Committee (NOC). There have been discussions about potential future participation, but as of recent records, Andorra has not yet competed.


Reason: A British Overseas Territory without its own NOC. Sports representation is managed under the umbrella of the British Olympic Association.


Reason: No permanent population and hence no NOC. The lack of a resident population makes it impossible for Antarctica to have an Olympic team.


Reason: Although it has a National Olympic Committee, Brunei has not participated in recent Olympics due to logistical and political issues.


Reason: Has a National Olympic Committee but has faced significant challenges, including financial and logistical constraints, leading to non-participation.


Reason: Although it is a sovereign state with an NOC, Liechtenstein has not participated in the recent Olympics. It has been more active in other international sports events.

Micronesia (Federated States of)

Reason: Participates in some international sports but has not been active in the Olympics. The reasons include logistical challenges and limited resources.


Reason: Has a National Olympic Committee and has participated in past Olympics, though it has not been active in recent games. Monaco’s participation has been sporadic.


Reason: Has a National Olympic Committee but has faced various issues, including financial constraints and logistical difficulties, leading to limited participation in recent Olympics.


Reason: Has a National Olympic Committee but has not participated in recent Olympics. Like other small nations, logistical and financial issues have impacted its participation.

San Marino

Reason: Has an NOC and has participated in the Olympics, though its participation has been limited and sporadic due to its small size and resources.


Reason: Although it has a National Olympic Committee, Seychelles has not participated in recent Olympics due to financial and logistical constraints.


Reason: Faces significant challenges including political instability and logistical issues, which have impacted its ability to participate in recent Olympics.

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