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Ken Lusaka Elected New Senate Speaker, Unseats Ethuro

Former Governor Ken Lusaka of BUNGOMA County

Former Bungoma Governor, Kenneth Lusaka was on Thursday elected Speaker of the Senate.

Coming a close second was Farah Maalim with 23 votes in the first round of voting against Lusaka’s 40 votes.

The former county boss went toe to toe with Maalim for a second round where he garnered 42.

The former Senate speaker, Ekwe Ethuro finished third with 2 votes.

Mr Lusaka was on Wednesday endorsed by the Jubilee party leaders, Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto.

It has been said that his endorsement was as a reward for his loyalty to the duo during the electioneering period. He decamped from the CORD coalition to support Kenyatta’s re-election bid.

Read: Nandi Governor Suspends Key County Officials, Orders For Special Audit

Siaya Senator, James Orengo before the voting brought up integrity queries on now Speaker’s use of public funds during his tenure as county boss.

The former Bungoma governor was accused of purchasing 10 wheelbarrows each going for 109,000 in 2015.

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