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Senate Speaker Lusaka Sued for Neglecting Unborn Child, Woman Demands Sh25 Million

Speaker of the Senate Ken Lusaka has been sued by a woman who is allegedly carrying his child.

Irene Naswa Mutaki, through her lawyer Danstan Omari, said that the speaker has neglected his responsibilities towards his unborn child.

The woman wants Sh200,000 per month in support for her unborn child or a lump sum of Sh25 million if unable to meet his monthly obligations. She also wants the senate speaker to include her in his medical cover.

In court documents, Omari states that Lusaka and his client were together since 2018 until May 2021 when the relationship fell apart after she disclosed that she was expectant.

“The cause of their disagreement was exacerbated by Lusaka’s insistence on terminating the pregnancy, a proposal that the applicant declined to accede to and now she is three months pregnant and counting since she discovered that she was expectant of Lusaka’s child as she has not been intimate with any other man other than the respondent, a fact that can be confirmed through a prenatal paternity test,” court papers read in part.

The woman also argues that the former Bungoma governor has neglected to take care of her pre-natal needs perhaps in the hope that she will miscarry.

Further, the complainant says that should the pregnancy complications remain unmitigated, the life of her unborn child could be in trouble.

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She apparently cannot meet the highest standards of health commensurate to the class and statute of the senate speaker due to her financial situation.

“Lusaka’s defiant and brazen refusal to accept responsibility and assist the applicant to access esteemed hospitals capable of giving her highest standard of prenatal care threaten the life of their unborn child and is, therefore, in sharp contravention with the constitutional safeguards of life which begins at conception,” court documents read.

Omari also notes that the senate speaker has denied any links to the pregnancy despite the fact that he and the complainant have been having unprotected carnal knowledge for years.

The matter has since been certified as urgent.

Justice James Makau on Monday directed the woman to serve Lusaka.

The case will be heard on July 7.

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