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Magoha Dismisses Claims that Bandits Interrupted Exams in Baringo

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has come out to dismiss violence claims against pupils sitting for their national exams. Students sitting their KCPE exam in Kapkosum village in Baringo south were on Monday reportedly attacked by bandits in the area.

Magoha said all the students in the country had started their exams and that security had been heightened in the volatile area to ensure that the students remain safe until the last day of their exams. Regarding the incident on Monday, the CS said that the gunshots were more than three kilometers away.

Speaking after he oversaw the distribution of exam papers at the Nyeri Central KNEC container, Magoha also banned examination officials from using their mobile phones  in the examination rooms.

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“Nobody must enter the examination room with a cellphone. That includes the centre managers, who must leave their phones in the offices,” Prof Magoha said.

“Center managers must keep their phones in the offices and they must ensure that all the invigilators and supervisors leave their cellphones in the office.”

Reports indicate that a number of exam officers had earlier been caught with images of the examinations in their phones.

“We were able to pick certain centre managers taking images of the question paper about 39 minutes after the examination had started. This is not acceptable and we are not going to take it lightly,” Prof Magoha said.

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Magoha also advised the officials to arrive on time to facilitate the smooth flow of the examinations process.

“This is an exam and we must deliver. If you find that you are getting lazy, then the best thing is for you to step aside or we will push you aside. No one will drag us behind. We have two million children to serve,” the CS said.

“I hope that wherever I go, I do not have to wait for the officers who are supposed to be field marshals to come as it is not acceptable. We shall not take it. Senior government handlers must be here early enough to coordinate. Do not arrive late expecting someone else will.” he added.

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