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COVID-19: President Magufuli Wants League Football To Return In Tanzania

Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli has proposed resumption of league football in the country behind closed doors.

Like in most nations across the world, the government suspended football activities early March to help curb spread of the COVID-19.

Tanzania is one the worst hit countries in the East African region with over 400 positive Coronavirus cases.

“I propose that we must restart our league (Tanzania Premier League) matches, but people must watch it on television. I am only waiting for experts to advise me accordingly so that the league can proceed,” – said the Head of State.

Magufuli has come under heavy criticism over alleged recklessness in handling the pandemic.

Despite increased number of new infections, the government has refused to apply strict containment measures like curfew or total lockdown.

“It’s my assumption that we may live with Covid-19 just like the way we have lived with HIV/Aids and other diseases,” Magufuli stated.

Meanwhile, Ligi Kuu is expected to resume behind closed doors in June.

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