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Major Peter Mugure was In charge of Laikipia Airbase Security “When He Murdered” his Family

Major Peter Mugure who has been charged with the murder of Joyce Syombua and her two children was in charge of all aspects of security at Laikipia Airbase during the family’s murder.

According to Daily Nation, Major Mugure was the day’s officer in command and so responsible for ground operations, emergencies and all matters related to security, a convenient position which enabled him to move in and out of the heavily fortified installation unchallenged.

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The Major reportedly made multiple trips in and out of the barracks that some junior officers were heard complaining that their boss for the day was just acting weird.

If this is the truth then Major Mugure invited the former spouse and his two children knowing very well that he had the convenient cover to kill them all in the military installation and dispose of the bodies without attracting attention as he was in charge.

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Living in house A3 and having spent the night in his house, Major Mugure conveniently asked Joyce Syombua to take a bath as he sneaked the children to house number A4 where he strangled them and then came back to the house. He told Joyce that the children were visiting a friend as he wanted the two of them to have a moment for themselves.

When Joyce Syombua started worrying a lot, Major Mugure murdered her too and used the airbase mess cleaner Collins Pamba to help clean up the bodies and his car which he used in the whole ordeal. Collins Pamba was to get military employment for all these.

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While Shanice Maua and Prince Michael were all strangled to death in house number A4, Major Mugure beat Joyce Syombua to death in his own house and cleaned the mess with the help of Collins Pamba.

Joyce Syombua last communicated to a friend at 3PM when she expressed fears for her young ones who were missing.

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