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Senator Malala Pledges Peace As He Surrenders To Police Over Bukhungu Remarks

Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala has surrendered to police following incitement allegations.

The lawmaker had vowed to disrupt an Azimio La Umoja event slated for Friday, December 31 at the Bukhungu Stadium.

Kakamega Central Sub-County Police Commander David Kabena confirmed to The Standard that the Senator took himself to Kakamega Central Police Station on Monday evening, hours after he was summoned by the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC).

The police boss said the lawmaker pledged to ensure there is peace during the event being organised by local leaders led by Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and trade unionist Francis Atwoli.

Read: NCIC Summons Senator Malala Over Inciting Utterances Ahead of Bukhungu Rally

“He (Malala) clarified that what he said during the Maragoli Cultural Festival was a political statement and that he does not intend to use violence or incite his followers into chaos during the rally,” Kabena was quoted as saying by the publication.

“Malala said he will maintain peace during the rally. He further said that on Friday, during the Bukhungu II event, he will be at Mumias; 32 kilometres away from the convention.”

Malala had on Sunday said he wouldn’t allow the event to go on since he had not been consulted by the leaders who are supporting ODM leader Raila Odinga’s fifth stab at the presidency in the 2022 polls.

Read Also: Atwoli Chides Malala for “Calling Off” Kakamega Meeting

The Amani National Congress (ANC) legislator told the Odinga camp to seek his permission claiming the region is his ‘bedroom.’

NCIC on Monday condemned the remarks saying “Kenya has no bedrooms and living rooms for any politician and there is no space for locking out other politicians from any political side from any part of the country.”

Read Also: Cleophas Malala Challenges Ouster as Senate Deputy Minority Leader

“It is with this in mind that we have today summoned Senator Cleophas Malala to answer for his regrettable and unwarranted statements that allegedly meant to lock out a political candidate from holding a meeting at Bukhungu stadium in Kakamega slated for the 31st of December 2021,” NCIC Chairman Samuel Kobia said in a statement.

He added: “These summons also mean that he is now a prime candidate for inclusion in the wall of shame. As well as facing the full force of the law.”

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