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Man Caught On Tape Pleasuring Himself In A City Mall (Video)

Wonders will never cease! A man was caught on tape pleasuring himself in a mall within Nairobi.

The video clip was shared by Capital Fm Producer, Joe Muchiri. The man was in one of the many malls in the city.

In the video, he is seen masturbating behind what looks like a door while over the phone. It is safe to say that he might have been having ‘phone sex.’

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A guard walks right past him without saying a word. He either did not notice or was too shocked to say anything.

After servicing himself, the man who appears to be in his twenties walks away zipping up his pants.

A similar incident was reported in India where two women reported a man jerking off in a train. The guards however did not take action against the man and asked the women to sit elsewhere.

The perpetrator was arrested only after the women took the issue to social media.

Here is the disgusting video:

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